Blar i Brage på forfatter "Evensen, Mariama Cham"
En bra dag på jobb. Forebyggende arbeidsmiljøarbeid i praksis. Evaluering av pilotprosjekt
Evensen, Mariama Cham; Schøning, Margrethe; Goffeng, Elisabeth Martinsen; Smith-Isaksen, Marte; Molander, Pål (STAMI-rapport, Research report, 2020) -
Leaders as the targets of workplace bullying - prevalence and outcomes
Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Evensen, Mariama Cham; Parveen, Sana; Finne, Live Bakke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Purpose Bullying of leaders is an underexplored topic in organizational research. To fill this knowledge gap, the aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of bullying of leaders and to examine whether holding a ...