Browsing Brage by Author "Olsen, Raymond"
Now showing items 1-20 of 34
Assessment of Occupational Exposure to Inhalable Aerosols in an Instant Powdered Food Manufacturing Plant in Norway
Darbakk, Christine; Graff, Pål; Olsen, Raymond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background In the food manufacturing industry, exposure to inhalable aerosols contributes to respiratory illnesses such as occupational asthma and rhinitis. However, there is a lack of comprehensive exposure assessment ... -
Biomonitoring of the benzene metabolite s-phenylmercapturic acid and the toluene metabolite s-benzylmercapturic acid in urine from firefighters
Rosting, Cecilie; Olsen, Raymond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The aim of this study was to determine firefighter’s exposure to benzene and toluene during a fire drill by monitoring air benzene and toluene, and their corresponding urinary metabolites. A liquid chromatography mass ... -
Caffeine improves performance in double poling during acute exposure to 2,000-m altitude
Stadheim, Hans Kristian; Nossum, Eirik Myhr; Olsen, Raymond; Spencer, Matthew; Jensen, Jørgen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)There is limited research on the physiological effects of caffeine (CAF) ingestion on exercise performance during acute hypoxia. The aim of the present study was therefore to test the effect of placebo (PLA) and CAF (4.5 ... -
Characterization of air contaminants emitted during laser cutting of carbon fiber-reinforced composite materials
Noskov, Aleksey; Thomassen, Yngvar; Berlinger, Balazs; Olsen, Raymond; Ervik, Torunn Kringlen; Weinbruch, Stephan; Gilmutdinov, Albert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)The emission of ultrafine carbonaceous particles during the laser cutting of fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite materials was investigated. The study was based on characterization of air contaminants emitted during ... -
Chloroform exposure in air and water in Swedish indoor swimming pools - urine as a biomarker of occupational exposure
Ragnebro, Oskar; Helmersmo, Kristin; Fornander, Louise; Olsen, Raymond; Bryngelsson, Ing-Liss; Graff, Pål; Westerlund, Jessica (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Introduction Disinfection by-products are produced in water disinfected with chlorine-based products. One such group is trihalomethanes, and chloroform is the most abundant trihalomethane in swimming pool areas. Chloroform ... -
Comparison of air samplers for determination of isocyanic acid and applicability for work environment exposure assessment
Jankowski, Mikolaj Jan; Olsen, Raymond; Thomassen, Yngvar; Molander, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Isocyanic acid (ICA) is one of the most abundant isocyanates formed during thermal decomposition of polyurethane (PUR), and other nitrogen containing polymers. Hot-work, such as flame cutting, forging, grinding, turning ... -
Eksponering i norske sagbruk
Straumfors, Anne; Eduard, Wijnand; Johnsen, Helle Laier; Ulvestad, Bente; Olsen, Raymond; Daae, Hanne Line; Halgard, Kristin E.; Thorud, Syvert; Madsø, Lene; Afanou, Komlavi Anani; Friisk, Grete; Pedersen, Ine (Research report, 2016) -
Exposure Determinants of Wood Dust, Microbial Components, Resin Acids and Terpenes in the Saw- and Planer Mill Industry
Straumfors, Anne; Corbin, Marine; McLean, Dave; Mannetje, Andrea t'; Olsen, Raymond; Afanou, Komlavi Anani; Daae, Hanne Line; Skare, Øivind; Ulvestad, Bente; Johnsen, Helle Laier; Eduard, Wijnand; Douwes, Jeroen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Objectives Sawmill workers have an increased risk of adverse respiratory outcomes, but knowledge about exposure–response relationships is incomplete. The objective of this study was to assess exposure determinants of dust, ... -
Exposure to wood dust, microbial components, and terpenes in the Norwegian sawmill industry
Straumfors, Anne; Olsen, Raymond; Daae, Hanne Line; Afanou, Komlavi Anani; McLean, D.; Corbin, M.; Mannetje, A.; Ulvestad, Bente; Bakke, Berit; Johnsen, Helle Laier; Douwes, J.; Wijnand, Eduard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Sawmill workers are exposed to wood dust (a well-known carcinogen), microorganisms, endotoxins, resin acids (diterpenes), and vapours containing terpenes, which may cause skin irritation, allergy, and respiratory symptoms ... -
Formaldehyd fra formaldehydfrigjørende kjemikalier i petroleumsnæringen – En kunnskapsoppsummering
Olsen, Raymond; Skaugset, Nils Petter; Bergland, Ola Undrum; Sveen, Sølvi; Lunde, Morten (STAMI-rapport, Research report, 2024) -
Kartlegging av kjemisk arbeidsmiljø og mekanisk belastning ved utlegging av varmasfalt og lavtemperaturasfalt
Olsen, Raymond; Daae, Hanne Line; Halgard, Kristin E.; Hersson, Merete; Thorud, Syvert; Madsen, Rune Asgeir; Knardahl, Stein; Ellingsen, Dag (STAMI-rapport, Research report, 2012) -
Kartlegging av kjemisk arbeidsmiljø og mekanisk belastning ved utlegging av varmasfalt og lavtemperaturasfalt
Olsen, Raymond (STAMI-rapport; årgang 13, Nr. 3, Research report, 2012) -
Kartlegging av kjemisk arbeidsmiljø og mekanisk belastning ved utlegging av varmasfalt og lavtemperaturasfalt – Oppfølgingsforsøk 2013
Olsen, Raymond; Daae, Hanne Line; Halgard, Kristin; Friisk, Grete; Madsen, Rune Asgeir; Knardahl, Stein; Ellingsen, Dag (STAMI-rapport, Research report, 2013) -
Kjemisk eksponering og effekter på luftveiene blant profesjonelle skismørere
Daae, Hanne Line; Ellingsen, Dag G.; Olsen, Raymond; Hersson, Merete; Thorud, Syvert; Freberg, Baard Ingegerdsson; Molander, Pål (STAMI-rapport; årgang 10, Nr. 8, Research report, 2009) -
Nanomaterialer i arbeidsmiljøet. Faggruppe for overvåking av arbeidshelserelaterte aspekter ved nanoteknologi
Skaug, Vidar; Olsen, Raymond; Ramstad, Astrid Lund; Wannag, Axel; Aarnes, Jon Birger (STAMI-rapport, Research report, 2011) -
Nanomaterialer i arbeidsmiljøet. Faggruppe for overvåking av arbeidshelserelaterte aspekter ved nanoteknologi
Skaug, Vidar; Olsen, Raymond; Ramstad, Astrid Lund; Wannag, Axel; Aarnes, Jon Birger (STAMI-rapport, Research report, 2011) -
Occupational exposure assessment of airborne chemical contaminants among professional ski waxers
Freberg, Baard Ingegerdsson; Olsen, Raymond; Daae, Hanne Line; Hersson, Merete; Thorud, Syvert; Ellingsen, Dag; Molander, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Background: Ski waxes are applied onto the skis to improve the performance. They contain different chemical substances, e.g. perfluoro-n-alkanes. Due to evaporation and sublimation processes as well as mechanically generated ... -
Occupational Exposure during Asphalt Paving—Comparison of Hot and Warm Mix Asphalt in Field Experiments
Olsen, Raymond; Graff, Pål; Daae, Hanne Line; Bryngelsson, Ing-Liss; Molander, Pål; Ellingsen, Dag (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objectives Several studies have demonstrated an increased risk of adverse health effects, including reduced lung function and lung cancer among asphalt pavers, which has been related to occupational exposure to contaminants ... -
Occupational exposure during treatment of offshore drilling waste and characterization of microbiological diversity
Daae, Hanne Line; Heldal, Kari Emilie; Madsen, Anne Mette; Olsen, Raymond; Skaugset, Nils Petter; Graff, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The exposure for workers handling and recycling offshore drilling waste are previously not described, and given the potential for exposure to hazardous components, there is a need for characterizing this occupational ... -
Occupational exposures of firefighting and prostate cancer risk in the Norwegian Fire Departments Cohort
Marjerrison, Niki; Grimsrud, Tom Kristian; Hansen, Johnni; Martinsen, Jan Ivar; Nordby, Karl-Christian; Olsen, Raymond; Stenehjem, Jo; Veierød, Marit Bragelien; Kjærheim, Kristina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Objectives Excess incidence of prostate cancer (PC) is frequently observed among firefighters; however, the association with specific occupational exposures of firefighting, as well as the influence of a medical surveillance ...