Now showing items 333-352 of 781

    • How to schedule night shift work in order to reduce health and safety risks 

      Garde, Anne Helene; Begtrup, Luise; Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Bonde, Jens Peter; Hansen, Johnni; Hansen, Åse Marie; Härmä, Mikko; Jensen, Marie Aarrebo; Kecklund, Göran; Kolstad, Henrik A.; Larsen, Ann Dyreborg; Lie, Jenny-Anne Sigstad; Moreno, Claudia; Nabe-Nielsen, Kirsten; Sallinen, Mikael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Objectives This discussion paper aims to provide scientifically based recommendations on night shift schedules, including consecutive shifts, shift intervals and duration of shifts, which may reduce health and safety risks. ...
    • HPV self-sampling among long-term non-attenders to cervical cancer screening in Norway: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial 

      Aasbø, Gunvor; Trope, Ameli; Nygård, Mari; Christiansen, Irene Kraus; Baasland, Ingrid; Iversen, Grete Alræk; Munk, Ane Cecilie Dæhli; Christiansen, Marit Halonen; Presthus, Gro Kummeneje; Undem, Karina; Bjørge, Tone; Castle, Philip E.; Hansen, Bo Lars Thorvald Terning (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background Cervical cancer screening participation is suboptimal in most settings. We assessed whether human papillomavirus (HPV) self-sampling may increase screening participation among long-term non-attenders in Norway. ...
    • Human blood-based exposure levels of persistent organic pollutant (POP)mixtures antagonise androgen receptor transactivation and translocation 

      McComb, J.; Mills, I.G.; Muller, M.; Berntsen, Hanne Friis; Zimmer, Karin Elisabeth; Ropstad, Erik; Verhaegen, Steven; Connolly, S. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Introduction Human exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) has been linked to genitourinary health-related conditions such as decreased sperm quality, hypospadias, and prostate cancer (PCa). Conventional risk ...
    • Human resource primacy, dispositional optimism, and chest pain: A prospective, cross-lagged study of work, personality, and health 

      Christensen, Jan Olav; Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Finne, Live Bakke; Knardahl, Stein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Chest pain (CP) is common, frightening, and often medically unexplained. Occupational psychological factors are associated with somatic pain. Personality may influence both perceived working conditions and somatic health, ...
    • Human‑based exposure levels of perfluoroalkyl acids may induce harmful effects to health by disrupting major components of androgen receptor signalling in vitro 

      McComb, J.; Mills, I.G.; Berntsen, Hanne Friis; Ropstad, Erik; Verhaegen, Steven; Connolly, L. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
    • Hydrogen sulfide exposure in waste water treatment 

      Austigard, Åse Dalseth; Svendsen, Kristin V Hirsch; Heldal, Kari Emilie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
    • Hyperexcitability in spinal WDR neurons following experimental disc herniation is associated with upregulation of fractalkine and its receptor in nucleus pulposus and the dorsal root ganglion 

      Jacobsen, Daniel Pitz; Moen, Aurora Lie; Haugen, Fred; Gjerstad, Johannes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Introduction: Lumbar radicular pain following intervertebral disc herniation may be associated with a local inflammatory response induced by nucleus pulposus (NP) cells. Methods. In anaesthetized Lewis rats, extracellular ...
    • Hyphae fragments from A. fumigatus sensitize lung cells to silica particles (Min-U-Sil): Increased release of IL-1? 

      Øya, Elisabeth; Zegeye, Fikirte Debebe; Bølling, Anette Kocbach; Øvstebø, Reidun; Afanou, Komlavi Anani; Øvrevik, Johan; Refsnes, Magne Arnold; Holme, Jørn Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Exposure to particulate matter (PM), such as mineral particles and biological particles/components may be linked to aggravation of respiratory diseases, including asthma. Here we report that exposure to Aspergillus fumigatus ...
    • “I'm too old for this!”: A prospective, multilevel study of job characteristics, age, and turnover intention 

      Christensen, Jan Olav; Knardahl, Stein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Introduction: Deciding to leave a job is often foreshadowed by burgeoning job dissatisfaction, which is in turn often attributed to characteristics of the job and work environment. However, while we know that job characteristics ...
    • Iam hiQ - a novel pair of accuracy indices for imputed genotypes 

      Rosenberger, Albert; Tozzi, Viola; Bickeböller, Heike; Hung, Rayjean J.; Christiani, David C.; Caporaso, Neil E.; Liu, Geoffrey; Bojesen, Stig E.; Le Marchand, Loic; Albanes, Demetrios; Aldrich, Melinda C.; Tardon, Adonina; Fernandez-Tardon, Guillermo; Rennert, Gad; Field, John K.; Davies, Michael; Liloglou, Triantafillos; Kiemeney, Lambertus A.; Lazarus, Philip; Haugen, Aage; Zienolddiny, Shanbeh; Lam, Stephen; Schabath, Matthew B.; Andrew, Angeline S.; Duell, Eric J.; Arnold, Susanne M.; Brunnström, Hans; Melander, Olle; Goodman, Gary E.; Chen, Chu; Doherty, Jennifer A.; Teare, M. Dawn; Cox, Angela; Woll, Penella J.; Risch, Angela; Muley, Thomas R.; Johansson, Mikael; Brennan, Paul; Landi, Maria Teresa; Shete, Sanjay S.; Amos, Christopher I. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: Imputation of untyped markers is a standard tool in genome-wide association studies to close the gap between directly genotyped and other known DNA variants. However, high accuracy with which genotypes are ...
    • IARC monographs: 40 years of evaluating carcinogenic hazards to humans 

      Pearce, Neil; Blair, Aaron; Vineis, Paolo; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Andersen, Aage; Anto, Josep M.; Armstrong, Bruce K.; Baccarelli, Andrea A.; Beland, Frederick A.; Berrington, Amy; Bertazzi, Pier Alberto; Birmbaum, Linda S.; Brownson, Ross C.; Bucher, John R.; Cantor, Kenneth P.; Cardis, Elisabeth; Cherrie, John W.; Christiani, David C.; Cocco, Pierluigi; Coggon, David; Comba, Pietro; Demers, Paul A.; Dement, John M.; Douwes, Jerouen; Eisen, Ellen A.; Engel, Lawrence S.; Fenske, Richard A.; Fleming, Lora E.; Fletcher, Tony; Fontham, Elizabeth; Forastiere, Francesco; Frentzel-Beyme, Rainer; Fritschi, Lin; Gerin, Michel; Goldberg, Marcel; Grandjean, Philippe; Grimsrud, Tom Kristian; Gustavsson, Per; Haines, Andy; Hartge, Patricia; Hansen, Johnni; Hauptmann, Michael; Heederick, Dick; Hemminki, Kari; Hemon, Denis; Hertz-Picciotto, Irva; Hoppin, Jane A.; Huff, James; Jarvholm, Bengt; Kang, Daehee; Karagas, Margaret R.; Kjærheim, Kristina; Kjuus, Helge; Kogevinas, Manolis; Kriebel, David; Kristensen, Petter; Kromhout, Hans; Laden, Francine; Lebailly, Pierre; LeMasters, Grace; Lubin, Jay H.; Lynch, Charles F.; Lynge, Elsebeth; ‘t Mannetje, Andrea; McMichael, Anthony J.; McLaughlin, John R.; Marrett, Loraine; Martuzzi, Marco; Merchant, James A.; Merler, Enzo; Merletti, Franco; Miller, Anthony; Mirer, Franklin E.; Monson, Richard; Nordby, Karl-Christian; Olshan, Andrew F.; Parent, Marie-Elise; Perera, Frederica P.; Perry, Melissa J.; Pesatori, Angela Cecilia; Pirastu, Roberta; Porta, Miquel; Pukkala, Eero; Rice, Carol; Richardson, David B.; Ritter, Leonard; Ritz, Beate; Ronckers, Cecile M.; Rushton, Lesley; Rusiecki, Jennifer A.; Rusyn, Ivan; Samet, Jonathan M.; Sandler, Dale P.; de Sanjose, Silvia; Schernhammer, Eva; Costantini, Adele Seniori; Seixas, Noah; Shy, Carl; Siemiatycki, Jack; Silverman, Debra T.; Simonato, Lorenzo; Smith, Allan H.; Smith, Martyn T.; Spinelli, John J.; Spitz, Margaret R.; Stallones, Lorann; Stayner, Leslie T.; Steenland, Kyle; Stenzel, Mark; Stewart, Bernard W.; Stewart, Patricia A.; Symanski, Elaine; Terracini, Benedetto; Tolbert, Paige E.; Vainio, Harri; Vena, John; Vermeulen, Roel; Victora, Cesar G.; Ward, Elizabeth M.; Weinberg, Clarice R.; Weisenburger, Dennis; Wesseling, Catharina; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Zahm, Shelia Hoar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      Background: Recently, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Programme for the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans has been criticized for several of its evaluations, and also for the approach used ...
    • Identification of susceptibility pathways for the role of chromosome 15q25.1 in modifying lung cancer risk 

      Ji, Xuemei; Bossé, Yohan; Landi, Maria Teresa; Gui, Jiang; Xiao, Xiangjun; Qian, David C; Joubert, Philippe; Lamontagne, Maxime; Li, Yafang; Gorlov, Ivan; de Biasi, Mariella; Han, Younghun; Gorlova, Olga; Hung, Rayjean J.; Wu, Xifeng; McKay, James; Zong, Xuchen; Carreras-Torres, Robert; Christiani, David C.; Caporaso, Neil; Johansson, Mattias; Liu, Geoffrey; Bojesen, Stig E.; Le Marchand, Loic; Albanes, Demetrios; Bickeboller, Heike; Aldrich, Melinda C.; Bush, William S.; Tardon, Adonina; Rennert, Gad; Chen, Chu; Teare, M. Dawn; Field, John K.; Kiemeney, Lambertus A.; Lazarus, Philip; Haugen, Aage; Lam, Stephen; Schabath, Matthew B.; Andrew, Angeline S.; Shen, Hongbing; Hong, Yun-Chul; Yuan, Jian-Min; Bertazzi, Pier A.; Pesatori, Angela C.; Ye, Yuanqing; Diao, Nancy; Su, Li; Zhang, Ruyang; Brhane, Yonathan; Leighl, Natasha; Johansen, Jakob S.; Mellemgaard, Anders; Saliba, Walid; Haiman, Christopher; Wilkens, Lynne; Fernandez-Somoano, Ana; Fernandez-Tardon, Guillermo; van der Heijden, Erik H. F. M.; Kim, Jin Hee; Dai, Juncheng; Hu, Zhibin; Davies, Michael P.A.; Marcus, Michael W.; Brunnström, Hans; Manjer, Jonas; Melander, Olle; Muller, David C.; Overvad, Kim; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Tumino, Rosario; Doherty, Jennifer; Goodman, Gary; Cox, Angela; Taylor, Fiona; Woll, Penella; Brüske, Irene; Manz, Judith; Muley, Thomas; Risch, Angela; Rosenberger, Albert; Grankvist, Kjell; Johansson, Mikael; Shepherd, Frances; Ming-Sound, Tsao; Arnold, Susanne M.; Haura, Eric B.; Bolca, Ciprian; Holcatova, Ivana; Janout, Vladimir; Kontic, Milica; Lissowska, Jolanta; Mukeria, Anush; Ognjanovic, Simona; Orlowski, Tadeusz M.; Scelo, Ghislaine; Swiatkowska, Beata; Zaridze, David; Bakke, Per S.; Skaug, Vidar; Zienolddiny, Shanbeh; Duell, Eric J.; Butler, Lesley M.; Koh, Woon-Puay; Gao, Yu-Tang; Houlston, Richard; McLaughlin, John; Stevens, Victoria; Nickle, David C.; Obeidat, Ma'en; Timens, Wim; Zhu, Bin; Song, Lei; Artigas, María Soler; Tobin, Martin D.; Wain, Louise V.; Gu, Fangyi; Byun, Jinyoung; Kamal, Ahsan; Zhu, Dakai; Tyndale, Rachel F.; Wei, Wei-Qi; Chanock, Stephen; Brennan, Paul; Amos, Christopher I. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
    • Immune-mediated genetic pathways resulting in pulmonary function impairment increase lung cancer susceptibility 

      Kachuri, Linda; Johansson, Mattias; Rashkin, Sara R.; Graff, Rebecca E.; Bossé, Yohan; Manem, Venkata; Caporaso, Neil E.; Landi, Maria Teresa; Christiani, David C.; Vineis, Paolo; Liu, Geoffrey; Scelo, Ghislaine; Zaridze, David; Shete, Sanjay S.; Albanes, Demetrius; Aldrich, Melinda C.; Tardón, Adonina; Rennert, Gad; Chen, Chu; Goodman, Gary E.; Doherty, Jennifer A.; Bickeboller, Heike; Field, John K.; Davies, Michael P.; Teare, M. Dawn; Kiemeney, Lambertus A.; Bojesen, Stig E.; Haugen, Aage; Zienolddiny, Shanbeh; Lam, Stephen; Le Marchand, Loïc; Cheng, Iona; Schabath, Matthew B.; Duell, Eric J.; Andrew, Angeline S.; Manjer, Jonas; Lazarus, Philip; Arnold, Susanne; McKay, James D.; Emami, Nima C.; Warkentin, Matthew T.; Brhane, Yonathan; Obeidat, Ma’en; Martin, Richard M.; Relton, Caroline; Smith, George Davey; Haycock, Philip C.; Amos, Christopher I.; Brennan, Paul; Witte, John S.; Hung, Rayjean J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Impaired lung function is often caused by cigarette smoking, making it challenging to disentangle its role in lung cancer susceptibility. Investigation of the shared genetic basis of these phenotypes in the UK Biobank and ...
    • Impact of depressive symptoms on worklife expectancy. A longitudinal study on Danish employees 

      Pedersen, Jacob; Thorsen, Sannie Vester; Andersen, Malene Friis; Hanvold, Therese Nordberg; Schlünssen, Vivi; Bültmann, Ute (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Objective: Depressive symptoms are associated with sickness absence, work disability and unemployment, but little is known about worklife expectancy (WLE). This study investigates the impact of depressive symptoms on the ...
    • Impact of Lignosulfonate on Solution Chemistry and Phospholipid Fatty Acid Composition in Soils 

      Almås, Åsgeir Rossebø; Afanou, Komlavi Anani; Krogstad, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      An incubation experiment (Exp. 1) with three soils, two from Australia and one from Norway, was carried out to investigate the fate of dissolved BorreGro (a lignosulfonate, produced by Borregaard LignoTech Company, Norway) ...
    • Impact of psychosocial work factors on risk of medically certified sick leave due to common mental disorders: a nationwide prospective cohort study of Norwegian home care workers 

      Knutsen, Rigmor; Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Lunde, Lars-Kristian; Skare, Øivind; Johannessen, Håkon Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Background The Norwegian home care services experience a high level of sick leave, a large proportion of which is due to common mental disorders. A substantial number of such cases can be attributed to psychosocial factors ...
    • Impact of technical variations on the ring-finger test for carpal tunnelsyndrome 

      Schulze, Daniel Gregor; Nordby, Karl-Christian; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Clemm, Thomas; Grotle, Margreth; Zwart, John-Anker; Nilsen, Kristian Bernhard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Objective To assess if recording the sensory latencies of the median and ulnar nerves one-by-one (consecutive) or at the same time (simultaneous) in the ring-finger test for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) will show equivalent ...
    • Impact of the Norwegian Agreement for a More Inclusive Working Life on diagnosis-specific sickness absence in young adults: a difference-in-difference analysis 

      Hasting, Rachel Louise; Merkus, Suzanne; Hanvold, Therese Nordberg; Kristensen, Petter; Gran, Jon Michael; Mehlum, Ingrid Sivesind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background The Norwegian Agreement for a More Inclusive Working Life (the IA Agreement) aims to reduce sickness absence (SA) and increase work participation. Potential impacts of the IA Agreement have not been thoroughly ...
    • Impaired awareness of hypoglycemia in adults with type 1 diabetes is not associated with autonomic dysfunction or peripheral neuropathy 

      Olsen, Sandra Elise; Bjørgaas, Marit Ragnhild Rokne; Åsvold, Bjørn Olav; Sand, Trond; Stjern, Marit; Frier, Brian; Nilsen, Kristian Bernhard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      OBJECTIVE: Impaired awareness of hypoglycemia (IAH) is a risk factor for severe hypoglycemia in people with insulin-treated diabetes; autonomic neuropathy has been suggested to underlie its development. The aim was to ...
    • Implantasjon av hjertestartere ved St. Olavs hospital 2006–15 

      Nyman, Fred Mathias; Molaug, Ina Charlotte; Næss, Anne Marte; Espeland, Torvald; Loennechen, Jan Pål; Mjølstad, Ole Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      BAKGRUNN Implantasjon av hjertestarter (implantable cardioverter defibrillator, ICD) er etablert behandling hos pasienter med høy risiko for plutselig hjertedød. Studiens formål var å kartlegge pasientkarakteristika, ...